A military brat born in Germany, Tyrell grew up playing sports and has always had an affinity for fitness. This led him to a college football career at the University of Texas, and a degree in Exercise Science. Having been a CPT for over 12 years, he has seen the evolution of the gym industry…as well as the lack thereof.
In cofounding KTATX Ventures, Tyrell is on a mission to bring the industry out of its barbaric nature and into the current century. AdderLock is their first step in that direction.
Childhood in the suburbs of Houston, TX granted Katie the freedom to wonder and wander. An athlete by nature and a student of human behavior by desire, she earned a BFA in Acting at Purchase College (aka SUNY Purchase). In an effort to balance the instability of life as a performer, she discovered the warm blanket that is administration and project management.
Intrigued by problems and motivated to solve them, Katie likes learning on the fly. While training with Tyrell for a big race, she discovered an opportunity to modernize weightlifting equipment. Katie and Tyrell have been working on the AdderLock ever since, striving to improve access to strength training for all, but especially to women of all ages.
We innovate through pain points to increase accessibility to fitness and wellness for all. Our first product, the AdderLock, adds functionality while introducing a more ergonomically pleasing design.
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